At Chambers Hill, our committees play a vital role in the life of our congregation and our outreach to the community. Each committee is dedicated to a specific area of ministry, working diligently to support our mission and enhance our collective worship experience. Our committees are led by passionate and committed leaders who bring their unique gifts and talents to serve our church family. Together, these committees and their leaders help us to connect, grow, and make a meaningful impact both within and beyond our church walls. We are grateful for their tireless efforts and invite you to learn more about their important work and how you can get involved.
Administrative Committees
Staff Pastor Parish Relations Committee
An administrative unit where staff and congregational interests are examined to focus on the mission of the church
Lay Leadership
Guide the church on matters regarding the leadership (other than employed staff) of the congregation so as to focus on the mission and ministry as the context for service, guide the development and training of spiritual leaders; recruit, nurture, and support spiritual leaders; and assist the church in assessing the changing leadership needs.
Worship Committee
Assists the minister in planning worship services. Responsible for preparing the sanctuary for observance of seasons of the church. Assists in securing and training acolytes and worship leaders.
Finance Committee
Prepares the budget for the following year and audits all checking accounts to determine the church's financial base.
Oversee/supervise the use/maintenance of all church property (church, parsonage, scout building, rental property, cemetery and grounds).
Outreach Committee
Provides events/activities that reach out to those not attending church. In an effort to provide "ports" of entry to join in worship and in turn meet, know and follow Jesus. The committee is always interested in bringing other members on board who have a passion to reach out to others.
Mission Committee
Purpose is to keep the congregation informed of missions we support through bulletin announcements, newsletter articles, posting information on the Missions Bulletin Board and through displays. We occasionally solicit donations from the congregation to fill specific needs for charities we support.
Nurture Committee
Provides resources to encourage Christian fellowship within the congregation, regular visitors and others outside of the church.