The UPPER ROOM of January - February 2025 are available in the Narthex
Movie Night
Saturday, Jan. 25, 7 pm, in the community hall. Watch this space for more details
Soundbooth Help Needed
We are searching for some extra help in the sound booth on Sunday mornings. Without additional help, we may not have enough trained staff to ensure coverage for sound/live streaming on some Sundays. If you are interested please contact either Howard Crawford or Juanita Mort!
Chambers Hill Elementary School is seeking volunteer tutors. Anyone interested will need security clearances and a CD photo ID.
Please contact Sheryl Strite or the church office for details
Bethesda Women's Shelter Needs
2025 Calendars | Hand sanitizers |Hand soap|Purse-size Kleenex packets
Gloves, scarves and hats for the winter
Everything can be found at the Dollar Store or you can give Jackie Smith the money and she'll shop. Thanks for your ongoing support of this mission
Altar Flowers
If you are interested in sponsoring Altar Flowers, please contact the church office.
Support Ronald McDonald House
We are collecting glossy paper and aluminum tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Please place your paper in the bins in the narthex area. Tabs can go in the small bin in the mission display.
Extra Greeting Cards?
Do you receive greeting cards in the mail that you didn't order? Please consider donating them to Mary Alice Neumyer for use in the prison ministry at her brothers church
Food Pantry Collection
Canned Fruit
Spaghetti Sauce
Thank you - your generous giving helps needy families in our community.
Stop the Violence Ministry
Do you have an old bicycle? Please consider donating it to Stop the Violence Ministry in Steelton. The Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church has a gentleman who refurbishes them and donates them to the ministry. They can be in any condition (parts are also needed). Please contact the church office with questions.