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We support these missions with an annual gift

We collect items for these mission causes on an ongoing basis:

  • Ronald McDonald House – glossy magazines and aluminum can tabs.

  • Used eyeglasses for Mary Klaus mission trips – Mary takes your old eyeglasses on her many overseas missions trips and passes them on to those in need.

  • Used cell phones, computers and computer equipment for Mission Central.

  • Small toiletry items for CCU – hotel size shampoo and conditioner, socks, shaving cream, toothpaste, etc.

  • Community Aid Collection Bin – all items collected will benefit Daystar Center for Spiritual Recovery.  If you drop off any items at Community Aid in lieu of the collection bin, please request that 10228 Daystar Center for Spiritual Recovery account be credited as the charity account; they do not give credit for any household items and/or toys.

  • Other special collections as needs arise.


We also annually support the following through collections and donations:

Other ways we serve:

  • Chambers Hill Sew-N-Sews – we meet the first Saturday of every month from October – May for fellowship and sewing – all are welcome!  Each month we highlight another sewing project that will benefit our community in some small way. We have sewn children’s shorts and dresses for Mary Klaus’s many oversees missions trips, walker bags and adult bibs that have been distributed to area nursing homes, gadget quilts for autistic children and Alzheimer patients,  just to name a few.  We typically stick to beginner projects so only a love of sewing is required, and if you don’t have a sewing machine we will find one for you to use!

  • Church Has Left the Building project – Instead of attending church,  the entire congregation spend the last Sunday of September each year out in the community doing service projects to help those in need.  Some of our most popular projects are providing breakfast, baking and dinner at Ronald McDonald House in Hershey, mucking stalls (yes, mucking stalls) for CATRA, making a special run of our famous peanut butter Easter eggs to raise funds to donate to a special project, playing Bible Bingo and singing hymns with the residents at Frey Village, yardwork at the Carolyn Croxton Slane Hospice Residence, serving lunch at Downtown Daily Bread, and many more.

  • Give it Up 4 Lent – We collect the money you save by giving up  (you fill in the blank) for lent, and then donate that money to one of four charities that are highlighted throughout the season of Lent.  Check out our Give it Up for Lent page for more information on who we are highlighting this year!


If you'd like to stay connected with our congregation on social media, visit us on Facebook.  We post lots of pictures, announcements, and information about our events.


​6300 Chambers Hill Road

Harrisburg, PA 17109


(717) 561-0388



Tuesday - Friday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm


Thanks for submitting!

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